The Rooms Inside The Historical Society

Take a look at the rooms inside the Historical Society.

Bedroom on the second floor. Original wallpaper is from the 1800’s.
Bedroom on the second floor. Original wallpaper is from the 1800’s.

Sewing Room showing period clothing on the second floor.

The Parlor on the second floor.

This Tallboy Clock dated pre-1900 is located in 2nd floor Parlor.

Pictures in the 2nd floor hallway dated pre-1900.
Pictures in the 2nd floor hallway dated pre-1900.
Zimmerman-Smith Room on the 2nd floor
Zimmerman-Smith Room on the 2nd floor.
The Library on the 2nd floor
The Library on the 2nd floor
The Original Bar cash register and wall clock
The hotel was in the Werly family until 1915 when Milton Zimmerman bought it. Sign is in the Barroom. Note the spelling of Werly name.

Violin was played for dances at the Seipstown Hotel.

This clock belonged to Richard Werley. Grandson of Elias Werley.
Display Room on the first floor.
Display Room on the first floor.
The Store located on the first floor.
Books for sale in our store.
Books for sale in our store.
The Store located on the first floor.

Map locating One Room School Houses in the townships